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Otherwise, the window of opportunity to course correct American engagement in the Pacific Islands will severely narrow once this request is approved. To ensure that American taxpayers are getting the highest return on these investments, Members of Congress should resist rubber-stamping this important request instead, Congressional Committees should take advantage of the opportunity to query whether the United States Government is pursuing the right strategy for maintaining a strong and purposeful American role in the Pacific Islands region. This request provides the United States Congress with the policy window needed to strengthen their oversight of the billions of dollars that could be spent on Pacific Islands engagement for the next few decades. Under the first pillar, the administration has included a request for $7.1 billion in mandatory funds over 20 years to support the renewal of the Compacts of Free Association (COFA) with the Freely Associated States (FAS) of Micronesia, Marshall Islands, and Palau. Part of this request has been framed around three pillars: 1) outcompete China globally 2) confront threats to global security 3) address pressing global challenges. The Biden administration has outlined their $6.9 trillion budget request for Fiscal Year 2024.

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