Fallout shelter mysterious stranger chance
Fallout shelter mysterious stranger chance

Duration of help lasts X + Y * CH seconds in RT combat.Duration of aid lasts X + Y * CH turns in TB combat.Players Charisma shall also affect the duration, cool down and strength of the MS.Special and normal spawns have a global cooldown.Player (not in group) spawns in the random encounter of the player, the MS if spawned, shall warn the "owner".Player gets crippled, chance for MS to spawn and try to FA and then Doctor the Player.

fallout shelter mysterious stranger chance

  • Player drops below half a % of HP, chance for MS to spawn and try to FA the player.
  • Special spawns shall depend on the players Charisma and the frequency on Luck.
  • Chance for MS to spawn for Doctor: X + CH * LK * U (Min V, Max Z).
  • Chance for MS to spawn for FA: X + CH * LK * U (Min V, Max Z).
  • Chance for MS to spawn at random encounter: X + Y * CH + U * LK (Min V, Max Z).
  • Spawn rate of MS shall depend both on the players Charisma and Luck.
  • If the MS (Mysterious Stranger) dies, it will not spawn for X hours.
  • Perk can be taken any level, prerequisite would be X speech skill.
  • fallout shelter mysterious stranger chance

    From time to time, a mysterious stranger will help the player, regarding the rules below.

    Fallout shelter mysterious stranger chance